Monday, October 29, 2007

Company New Symbol is USNT; was YIWA

Well, all the approvals came through and we've received word that the NASD has approved the change of name of the company to US National Telecom, Inc. with the new ticker symbol of USNT.

This is great news, because it now gives us the formal name that reflects the business of the company.

The pinksheets stock website doesn't always publish this type of news on their own, so the company is going out of its way to make sure that the word gets out. Look for more and more news from US National Telecom (USNT).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Company Town Hall Meeting - Boston

We've decided to have a "Town Hall"-type meeting - in the American city that is the home of Town Hall meetings.... Boston! The meeting will be held at 2 pm Monday, October 29 at the prestigious Colonnade Hotel, Boston.

This will be our opportunity to meet the important people who are the investors in our Company... the shareholders.

And, this will be an opportunity for the shareholders to actually meet the President of the Company and chat about the Company's goals and objectives.

I think it is just human nature to want to actually meet the people you do business with, and this Town Hall meeting should be the perfect venue. We plan to hold a series of these across the USA within the next year.

Any shareholder is invited to come. Proof of shareholder status will be required. Each shareholder may bring one guest who is not a shareholder.

To make sure we reserve a large enough meeting room, and to control attendance, you must pre-register for this event by sending an email with your name and guest's name to BE SURE TO PUT the word BOSTON in the Subject line.

Maybe we'll see you there!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Rain on The Parade or Welcome Rain That Waters the Garden?

Too many people seem to worry about the daily fluctuations in stock prices. It feels like it's raining on your parade when the stock you bought doesn't go up quickly. Sort of like having rain when you wanted to have a picnic. But look at it this way: Maybe the rain didn't help the picnic, but it did water the plants and help the garden grow.

Seriously, though.... when the stock goes up people tend to credit the company or the company execs. Then when the share price goes down, people tend to blame the company or the company execs. The truth is, that the company has had nothing to do with either scenario. Zero influence.
That should be obvious... after all, if the company had ANY influence over the stock price, well then the stock price would go up and up... and why not? What company or company exec would ever want their stock price to fall?

The stock price was low, went high, then low again. All on its own. However, I know someone who did buy 30,000 shares on the open market at 5 cents. Today, though, the share price closed at much less than that. However, this investor feels that he is still ok because he has confidence in the growth of the technology and voice over Internet (VoIP) .

However, the company has absolutely no idea if the stock will go up or down. Each investor has to carefully consider all the factors and do some homework before buying any stock of any company. It's speculative stock.

As for "raining on anyone's parade", just look around and see if you notice that plants are sprouting up and the grass is getting greener. In the longer run, maybe the rain isn't so bad after all.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Chat and Share

Several shareholders have emailed to ask why there isn't more volume and why there isn't more online chatting going on about YIWA. After all, the argument goes, if so much good stuff is happening at the company (see press releases) why isn't the world talking about us? And why isn't the stock on fire?

The answer is: I don't know.

I hope everyone understands that it isn't proper, and could be illegal, for insiders at YIWA to go online and "chat up the stock". So we can't do that. Many investors do use the online chat forums, such as those at and If you do participate, please don't claim that you have "inside information".

But if you like what our company is doing, and you believe you have something to share with others and would like others to get involved, you can join the thousands who like to discuss stocks online and log on to stock chat boards and share your insight!

Please don't make any wild, unsubstantiated or untrue statements, but if you do have a valid opinion or comment, don't be afraid to share it online.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

All Quiet on the Western (Denver) Front

Monday was a quiet day - on the chat boards and trading volume. A few interested parties emailed to ask what was "wrong". That's an interesting question.

While investors and trading volume seemed sleepy yesterday, the irony is that we couldn't be busier. At the office we're in high gear working to come up with a plan to increase capacity. We sincerely have more business than we can handle at this point. But we are conservative and careful not to announce contracts before they are signed.

There never seems to be much rationale in what makes a high volume trading day, versus a quiet day. Or, why some stocks go up and up and others languish. We sure wish we knew.

But one thing for certain ... we are in this for the long run.

Meanwhile, it just may be All Quiet on the Western (Denver) Front.