Several shareholders have emailed to ask why there isn't more volume and why there isn't more online chatting going on about YIWA. After all, the argument goes, if so much good stuff is happening at the company (see press releases) why isn't the world talking about us? And why isn't the stock on fire?
The answer is: I don't know.
I hope everyone understands that it isn't proper, and could be illegal, for insiders at YIWA to go online and "chat up the stock". So we can't do that. Many investors do use the online chat forums, such as those at and If you do participate, please don't claim that you have "inside information".
But if you like what our company is doing, and you believe you have something to share with others and would like others to get involved, you can join the thousands who like to discuss stocks online and log on to stock chat boards and share your insight!
Please don't make any wild, unsubstantiated or untrue statements, but if you do have a valid opinion or comment, don't be afraid to share it online.